Hi Matthew,

I'm looking at the package, and a few comments first.

- It's not completely stable, I was able to crash the game.  I have a
  backtrace at the bottom, which can be copied into a bug report once
  the game gets into unstable.
- There are several lintian warnings about the menu files.  Please fix
- The license says you must mark modified versions of the program as
  such.  Since you're patching the game, you must do this.
- When starting the game as "woundup --help", it responds with
  "usage: run_game.py [options]".  This should of course be
  "usage: woundup [options]".

For the rest, it looks good to me.  Although I must admid that I never
packaged a python program before, and had to read the policy first. :-)



$ woundup 
/usr/share/games/wound-up/lib/game.py:308: DeprecationWarning: integer
argument expected, got float
  pxl = self.tutorial_map.get_at((px, py))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./run_game.py", line 16, in ?
  File "/usr/share/games/wound-up/lib/main.py", line 25, in main
    menu.Menu(display.gl_render.GLRenderer, options).run()
  File "/usr/share/games/wound-up/lib/menu.py", line 175, in run
  File "/usr/share/games/wound-up/lib/menu.py", line 164, in main_loop
  File "/usr/share/games/wound-up/lib/menu.py", line 76, in
  File "/usr/share/games/wound-up/lib/menu.py", line 435, in start_game
    time = new_game.run()
  File "/usr/share/games/wound-up/lib/game.py", line 283, in run
  File "/usr/share/games/wound-up/lib/game.py", line 262, in main_loop
  File "/usr/share/games/wound-up/lib/model/gamestate.py", line 95, in
    result = t.update(self)
  File "/usr/share/games/wound-up/lib/model/task.py", line 141, in
  File "/usr/share/games/wound-up/lib/model/gamestate.py", line 283, in
KeyError: <model.elf.Elf object at 0x8b03eac>

I had connected two touching cogs with a rubber band.  It shouldn't
work, of course, but it shouldn't crash either. :-)

On Thu, Sep 13, 2007 at 11:01:25AM +0100, Matthew Johnson wrote:
> Hi, I have recently packaged a game some friends of mine wrote for
> pyweek and I'm looking for a sponsor to upload it; I was hoping one of
> the DDs on this list would have time to review and upload it. The
> packages are available here:
> http://mjj29.matthew.ath.cx/debian-upload/wound-up/ and the ITP here:
> http://bugs.debian.org/441833
> Thanks,
> Matt
> --
> Matthew Johnson

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