Barry deFreese wrote:
>>> / - -$(MAKE) clean
> />>/ +        [ ! -f Makefile ] || $(MAKE) clean
> />
>> it would be nice to mention in the commit log such changes, too
> Sorry.  To be honest I am never sure how verbose to get in commit logs.

Well, the problem was that this change was not mentioned at all in the commit
log (although, in all fairness, was mentioned in the debian/changelog).

IIRC there is a tool that allows to commit with the appended changes in
debian/changelog, so all you have to do is document properly in the changelog
itself. I think sam is using that, maybe he can help with the name of the 

>>> / - install -m 755 -s GravityWars101 \
> />>/ +        install -m 755 GravityWars101 \
> />
>> I wonder if when nostrip is *not* provided if this is fixed. Did you test 
>> that?
> I am pretty sure I did but I will verify.

Please do. I have a gut feeling this is exactly as I suspect.
When can I expect a result of the test? Is wednesday evening a good deadline[1]?

>> Also, wouldn't using dh_install be a better solution instead of mixing 
>> debhelper
>> stuff with non-debhelper stuff?
> Again, I'm never sure how much to go hacking up the packages.  This was how 
> it's already done.

Well, nothing stops you from improving this, maybe after a heads-up on the list
that you intent to do this clean-up? And if nobody objects, go on with the
change ;-) (/me is taking advantage of your ethusiasm and trying to lure you
into doing some clean-up work :-D )

>>> /           `pwd`/debian/gravitywars/usr/games/gravitywars
> />>/          install -m 644 debian/gravitywars.xpm \
> />>/                  `pwd`/debian/gravitywars/usr/share/games/gravitywars/
> />>/ +
> />>/ +        # Install desktop file
> />>/ +        install -D -m 644 debian/gravitywars.desktop 
> debian/gravitywars/usr/share/applications/gravitywars.desktop
> />>/ +
> />
>> [*] as discussed on the list, we need more review and when comments are not
>> addressed I will revert them; if the changes are important, explanation shall
>> follow, if not, the changes will be reverted.
> Fair enough, I just need feedback like this if I am doing things incorrectly. 
>  I wasn't previously subscribed to this list.

Note that all memebers of the Debian Games Team should be subscribed to both 

* [EMAIL PROTECTED] - generic discussions about games, be them
team maintained or not
* - our list as a team, here is where
bug reports come, here is where we discuss about our packages.

[1] I already updated my todo list and I expect an answer until then; if not,
I'll either do the test myself or plainly revert that specific change.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein

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