I'm running Etch on a Thinkpad X61 tablet, which includes an i945, and
I get exactly the same results, but I note that this is only while I'm
running Compiz.

If I switch to Metacity or Sawfish, Transcend starts (and runs) fine.

Well, except for bug #417986. ;)

If I start Compiz /after/ Transcend has already started, Transcend
continues to run fine--it appears to be just the initial
window-creation that fails.

I gather that something about running under Compiz is causing it to
choose bad window-dimensions, but I'm not familiar with the APIs
involved (it looks like it has something to do with GLUT), so I
haven't been able to debug it yet....

Don't be afraid to ask (Lf.((Lx.xx) (Lr.f(rr)))).

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