On 03/12/2007, hangy wrote:
> As reported in Launchpad[1] by Ryan Prior, the startup-script used for
> the Debian (and thus Ubuntu) packages does not seem to detect direct
> rendering properly if using proprietary ATI drivers

I wouldn't say it that way.

> /usr/games/warsow:34 makes Warsow not start if `glxinfo | grep "direct
> rendering: No"` returns any content, thinking the driver might not be
> capable of running the game. The original bug report[1] mentions that
> the reporter is able to run Warsow using the upstream tarball, which
> makes me think the direct rendering detection is flawed.

I'd rather say that either glxinfo returns inappropriate information, or
that the driver isn't providing X with appropriate information. Tweaks
can of course been added to the warsow wrapper, but it really looks like
a bug in a lower level.

However, I really don't see what we can do w/o the output of glxinfo
(which I saw you requested on the original bugreport, thanks).


Cyril Brulebois

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