On Tue, 2007-10-23 at 18:34 +0200, Marc Fargas wrote:
> I just tried to reproduce this bug with my laptop so I went to the website
> linked in the bugreport and clicked on "Watch Video".
> There's a nice popup, and the video plays just fine. But to my unexperienced
> eye the video seems to be a Flash video, not a RealPlayer one so, is really
> this a Totem bug?
> Anyway, the video plays fine being realplayer, flash or whatever it is (but
> I'd say it's just Flash).


I have no idea, as Swfdec doesn't seem to work correctly with this site

Anyway, it shouldn't be hard to figure out totem is used or not. Simply
right click on the video and see if the menu that pops up belongs to
totem or not. 

If totem is used, you should be able to select "Copy" and get the direct
URL to the video. This is what I asked for in the first place, so the
bug can be easily reproduced.

Sven Arvidsson
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