Hi again,

Further information, if it helps.

I find the command
 > setxkbmap -model jp106 -layout jp
useful to get most of the keys correctly mapped, but I am still missing 
the backslash, arrows and a few others (though I have discovered 
backslash on the "windows" key).  The output of both commands you 
suggested below remains the same both before and after applying the 
above command.

Presumably I have an usual keyboard layout, but it was working well 
under XFree and then Xorg for a long time, without any special tweaks, 
AFAICR.  Oh, and it works fine under the console (ie. outside of X & gnome).

Any suggestions to get my keyboard working again would be gratefully 


Josselin Mouette wrote:
> Hi,
> Le jeudi 25 octobre 2007 à 10:28 +0100, Tim Gershon a écrit :
>> Starting up today, I was greeted with a box telling me that my gnome 
>> keyboard settings and my X (xorg.conf) keyboard settings differ, and 
>> asking which I would like to use.  I selected X, as that was working 
>> nicely before, however, that choice appears to have been disregarded.
>> I then try to set up to use jp106 as my default through 
>> gnome-keyboard-properties, which has at least two problems
>> 1) gnome seems to refuse this as default, and I can only achieve the 
>> jp106 layout by starting gnome with a US default layout, and then 
>> switching to jp106
>> 2) once I get to jp106, my backslash/underscore key does not work 
>> correctly, nor are the arrow keys recognized.
> Please send us the output of the following commands:
>         xprop -root | grep XKB
>         gconftool-2 -R /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/kbd
> Thanks,

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