
Le mardi 06 novembre 2007 à 13:23 +0100, Simon Richter a écrit :
> I'm giving glibc 2.7 a test drive; since the installation of the new
> libc and locales package, I can no longer use ja_JP.UTF-8 as the locale
> setting for my regular user (system default is de_DE.UTF-8).
> After logging in, gdm displays a dialog that it couldn't find the
> "ja_JP.UTF-8" locale and thus fell back on the system default. The
> session then opened uses de_DE.UTF-8.
> The Japanese locale is correctly installed and built; setting the
> variable manually in the shell has the desired effect.

I have reproduced the bug by building the ja_JP.UTF-8 locale, but it
seems that in this case restarting GDM was enough to make it notice the
new locale.

Does the bug still happen if you restart GDM?

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