reassign 453059 thunar

Le mardi 27 novembre 2007 à 18:40 +0100, Stefan Fleischmann a écrit :
> There is also an easier way to reproduce the error. You can execute the
> thumbnailer directly. Just type
> $ /usr/lib/thunar/thunar-vfs-pixbuf-thumbnailer-1 100 highland_park2.jpg 
> test2.png
> and a nice thumbnail test.png is created (the number is to set the
> size of the thumbnail and has to be smaller or equal 256)
> Then try
> $ /usr/lib/thunar/thunar-vfs-pixbuf-thumbnailer-1 100 highland_park1.jpg 
> test1.png
> and you should get the same error message as I do and no thumbnail.

> I'm not sure which other applications use the gdk-pixbuf loaders, so
> I don't know if they open the pictures. If you know an application
> that uses the for sure I will try it.

I have tried with 4 applications using the gdk-pixbuf loader (evolution,
eog, gqview and nautilus). All of them display both pictures fine, and
nautilus has no problem making thumbnails of them.

I guess this is an issue in thunar, I'm reassigning.

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