reassign 452162 gnucash

Whoops, sorry for replying without reading this additional information.

Le dimanche 25 novembre 2007 à 12:14 -0800, Andrew Sackville-West a
écrit :
> I went back to step zero. This problem showed up after a segfault in
> gnucash. This segfault occurred while printing checks (uses
> gtkprint). Subsequent instances of gnucash could no longer print
> checks. Since I had two machines fully-up-to-date. I decided to try a
> different user on the broken machine. lo and behold, no problem. :( or
> :) depending on your perspective. Anyway, moving ~/.gconf out of the
> way solved the problem. 
> Clearly, the segfault corrupted something in ~/.gconf/* resulting in
> this behavior. There is probably no way to track down the segfault as
> it happened in an instance of gnucash that may have been up for many
> days and may have been up across a variety of upgrades... 
> I have a copy of the problematic ~/.gconf available if you would
> like. 

This definitely looks like a bug in gnucash, and the copy of the
problematic gconf keys will certainly be useful to the gnucash

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