
Le vendredi 07 décembre 2007 à 22:07 +0100, Brian Kudowski a écrit :
> Package: gnome-desktop-environment
> Version: 1:
> Severity: normal

First, please don’t report normal bugs on stable systems and first check
that they still apply to unstable.

> when the user wants to change a theme he can preview the theme, but then has
> to install the theme via the "Install Theme..." button. He is then asked for
> the theme file location. Why does he have to input manually, if a preview of
> the desired theme was available in the list before?

I don’t get it. The themes listed in the preview are those already
installed, you just need to select them to enable them. The “Install
theme…” button is here to install other themes you could have downloaded
on the network.

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