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  gtk+ | gtk | Ver: 2.6.x

------- Comment #121 from Cody Russell  2008-01-08 21:56 UTC -------
Can people please stop adding comments that basically just agree with what tbf
said?  Adding more "I agree" comments is not productive and it's just
cluttering the bug report.

If we don't manage to finish the patch before the Berlin hackfest, perhaps we
can allocate some time there towards this.

I did devote some time to try to understand what is missing from the current
patch, but I wasn't as thorough as I need to be.  I'll be willing to take a
stab at improving the patch once I have a better understanding of what's
missing.  Here's what I -think- is not correct at the moment.

Matthias said in comment #99 that if the root window becomes the effective
window pointer we generate:
 - leave notify on real pointer window, with detail Ancestor [1]
 - leave notify on ancestors of real pointer window, with detail Virtual [2]
 - enter notify on root window with detail Inferior [3]

>From what I can tell, here's what is actually happening:
 [1] - leave notify on real pointer window, detail nonlinear
 [2] - leave notify on ancestors, detail nonlinear-virtual
 [3] - Not watching the root window (need to improve the test program)

And if the root window stops being the effective pointer window generate:
 - leave notify on root window, detail Inferior [4]
 - enter notify on ancestors of the real pointer window, detail Virtual [5]
 - enter notify on real pointer window, detail Ancestor [6]

What I think is happening:
 [4] - Unsure, not watching the root window yet
 [5] - enter notify on ancestors, detail nonlinear-virtual
 [6] - enter notify on real pointer window, detail nonlinear

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