
On Sat, Oct 15, 2005 at 10:47:41AM +0200, Wolfgang Baer wrote:
> Carsten Hey wrote:
> >someone on irc had a problem with eclipse and kaffe. this is probably
> >a bug in kaffe. (please ignore lines 5 and 7)
> So you are not the one with the problem ?

Exactly. :) Btw, after deleting the user config file of
gtk2-engines-gtk-qt lines 5 and 7 did not appear anymore.

> Why does not the person with the problem files the bug report - this
> would help in tracking the problem down if something is to test.

Because he did not understand what I meant with "report a bug against..." ;)

> Also I am missing the version of eclipse ? I think you mean eclipse 3.1.1-X
> from unofficial place or do you refere to eclipse 2.1 in the archive ?

Sorry, I should have included this information in the bugreport. It is
from http://www.backports.org/~mkoch/unstable/.  I already talked with
mkoch about that an he thinks it is a bug in kaffe (although he did not
test it afaik).

After the user had installed gcj-4.0 and eclipse.*-gcj and purged
kaffe.* eclipse started as expected.

> Wolfgang


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