Barry Hawkins wrote:
> Eric Valette wrote:
> [...]
>>>Postins fails because update-alternative --install parameters 
>>>are incorrect. I chnaged to update-alternatives \
>>>     --install "$program"  "$program" \
>>>     "$j2se_base/bin/$program" "$priority" 
> [...]
> Eric,
>     Thanks for your use of Debian and java-package.  Which JRE or JDK
> are you attempting to package?

I tried the last recently published update of the sun jre1.5 : update
06. BTW Previously I had a lot of problem with the alternative stuff
when adding new packages version. This time, I saw someone changed the
postinst script.

Unfortunately it broke on my machine. I have no more the message
failure. It was complaining to try to copy something from different
devices. I just ran the /var/lib/dpkg/info/sun-jrexxx-postinst script by
hand and found the wrong line. Then looking at the update-alternatives
man page, I do not understand the way the argument were given. I changed
them and the script worked. I then called apt-get -f install to finish

  /  `                          Eric Valette
 /--   __  o _.                 6 rue Paul Le Flem
(___, / (_(_(__                 35740 Pace

Tel: +33 (0)2 99 85 26 76       Fax: +33 (0)2 99 85 26 76

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