On 4/14/06, Stephan Michels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2006/4/9, Shaun Jackman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Please put the Gnome and Mozilla shared libraries into their own
> > binary packages to reduce the coarseness of libswt3.1-gtk-jni's
> > dependencies.
> If I put the jni libraries into separate packages, then I have to
> separate the swt java lib too. This is much work and I don't see any
> benefit I would gain. Moreover swt wasn't design my the eclipse team
> to be apportionable.
> Do you see any reason why we should do it?

Yes. Making the dependencies finer-grained allows a package requiring
SWT/GTK to avoid installing Gnome and Mozilla, which are both large,
extraneous packages. A HelloWorld/SWT program has no reason to depend
on Mozilla.

I wouldn't split the jar library. Leave it up to the package depending
on the -java package to also depend on the correct -jni packages.

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