Damien Raude-Morvan wrote:
> Le lundi 27 juillet 2009 23:59:25, Max Bowsher a écrit :
>> Hi,
> Hi Max,
> Thanks for your bug report.
>> As your package does not build GCJ native code, please amend your
>> Build-Depends from default-jdk-builddep to default-jdk.
>> This will allow GCJ to not be pulled in at build-time on architectures
>> or distros where GCJ is not the default-jdk.
> I've seen your mail [1] on debian-java regarding choice between default-jdk-
> builddep and default-jdk. To my knownledge, your position haven't reached
> consensus and is not reflected in Debian Java Policy.
> In Debian, default-jdk-builddep package [2] as exactly the same dependency 
> chain as default-jdk [3] : (gcj-jdk).
> On Ubuntu, default-jdk is openjdk-6-jdk and default-jdk-builddep is default-
> jdk + gcj-jdk
> At the moment, your issue is more a disagrement on Java Policy between Debian 
> and Ubuntu.
> I would prefer to :
> - wait for a new Debian Java Policy (after Debconf9 ?)
> - resync Debian and Ubuntu Java Policy about default-* packages
> - fix Build-Depends on all packages [4]
> [1] http://lists.debian.org/debian-java/2009/07/msg00013.html
> [2] http://packages.debian.org/sid/default-jdk-builddep
> [3] http://packages.debian.org/sid/default-jdk
> [4] 31 packages use default-jdk-builddep in unstable

You are correct that this issue is sadly undocumented in Debian Java Policy.

However, I feel that comments by Matthias Klose, as uploader of the
java-common source in Debian, in bugs such as
http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=526273 - specifically
"default-jdk-builddep should be used if the package builds
native code built with gcj." provide adequate justification of the
intent of default-jdk-builddep vs. default-jdk in Debian.

Note that the bug referenced above was part of a mass bug filing:

Also, the changelog of the java-common version which introduced
default-* packages says: "Build-depending on default-jdk-builddep
ensures a dependency on java-gcj-compat-dev even if the default jdk is
another than java-gcj-compat-dev."


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