
On Sun, 2010-08-08 at 18:17 +0200, Ludovic Claude wrote:
> startGroovy tries to locate javac in order to build the JAVA_HOME 
> variable. We should not depend on the JDK, groovy works very well on a 
> small JRE, but startGroovy should be patched to use the default location 
> of JAVA_HOME on a Debian system.
> Ludovic

I had thought that the Debian package used its own launcher script
replacing the groovy and startGroovy from the upstream distribution --
on the very sensible grounds that Debian defines a specific path for the
things that the upstream scripts have to infer.  Also the upstream
scripts try to cope with all Posix compliant systems, which a Debian
specific script does not have to.
Dr Russel Winder      t: +44 20 7585 2200   voip:
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