Hi Jan-Pascal and Thomas,

On 11/07/2010  21:37, Jan-Pascal van Best wrote:

> On 11/07/2010 11:38 AM, Thomas Koch wrote:
> > Package: solr
> > Severity: serious
> > Tags: squeeze
> >
>> I've written a mail ("Remove Solr from Squeeze?") on 2010/10/12 to
>> debian-java and the package's maintainer Jan-Pascal van Best and
>> proposed the removal of solr from Squeeze, mainly because:
>> - it's already outdated a year by now (see bug #602696 )
>> - it doesn't even include all contribs (see bug #602695 )
>> - the package has accumulated too many bugs
>> - there doesn't seem to be enough (wo)man power to maintain the package
>>   right now on a standard that would make it fit for Debian _stable_

We[0] are currently using solr at Work. I have backported [1] the last version 
to lenny for our own use and it's running on our production servers. So I'm 
stepping forward to help packaging in anyway I can. I have some experience 
packaging [2] but not with java apps. 

>> So until nothing else happens, please don't include solr in Debian
>> squeeze.
> Agreed. Solr is moving too fast, and accumulating too many dependencies 
> (which have their own dependencies, and so on) to be maintained properly 
> right now.
> Jan-Pascal

What is the priority? Upgrade the package to 1.4.1? Fix the issues on 1.4.0?


[0] http://www.cervantesvirtual.com/
[1] https://github.com/linuxmaniac/bvmc_debian/tree/master/solr/ 

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