On Mon, Aug 01, 2011 at 01:08:28PM +0100, James Page wrote:
> The maven-antrun-plugin package was recently upgraded to version 1.6
> from version 1.3; any projects which use this plugin now fail to build
> as the default version specified in maven2/maven2-core is 1.3 so the
> artifact fails to resolve.
> I believe the fix requires a patch to:
> ../maven-project/src/main/resources/org/apache/maven/project/pom-4.0.0.xml
> in maven2-core and then a rebuild of maven2 to re-assemble the uber jar
> with the required default dependency. However I may be wrong.

Thanks for reporting this.

I updated maven-antrun-plugin two weeks ago and very recently I began to
observe FTBFS errors in packages build-depending on this plugin but I
didn't have time to research what was happening.

After following your recommendations about how to fix maven2 and maven2-core,
the packages httpcomponents-client and httpcomponents-core don't FTBFS anymore.

I committed the changes for maven2 and maven2-core, so I believe this only
needs a sponsor to be fixed.


Miguel Landaeta, miguel at miguel.cc
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