hi Omega,

thanks for the patch. Sorry for the delay: I just picked up the
freeplane 1.2.x package about a month ago, and I also need to update
simplyhtml and libjsyntaxpane-java for the freeplane package to work,
so I was quite busy with this ;-)

I am also working upstream on freeplane => so I have some questions
regarding your patch:

- Can we generally apply this patch or could it break something else in
  some cases?

- What is your experience with OpenJDK? Does it work properly (with this
  patch)? Now that OpenJDK7 has (almost) the same codebase as OracleJDK7
  (that's what the OpenJDK folks told me), I think we should try to
  support it.

Thanks and Best Regards,
Felix Natter

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