block 670902 by 706176


since the release is next week I did a testbuild of the r-deps -
except hsqldb itself of course :-) - now (in a clean sid chroot +
libhsqldb-java from experimental pre-installed):

$ grep-available -FDepends libhsqldb-java -sPackagePackage: hsqldb-server
Package: eucalyptus-java-common
Package: libbiojava1.7-java
Package: libbiojava3.0-java
Package: entagged
Package: libreoffice-base
Package: libopenjpa-java
Package: hsqldb-utils
Package: pixelmed-java
Package: biomaj
Package: paros

openjpa failed to build (see #706176)

The rest did build - so it actually isn't as as bad as I
feared (that of course doesn't say whether it needs other steps to work
like upgrade/re-create whatever db file, but... - at least the biojavas
ran tests which worked, too)

Will upload the new version after wheezy release[1] as announced in



[1] together with LO to make that one not uninstallable

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