If you use the -t option on the command line, then attempts to use local copies 
of W3C DTDs will be traced on System.err. Hopefully this will shed more light 
on why the mechanism isn't working for you.

The EntityResolver that Saxon uses in 9.4 can be found here:


I'm not sure why the data files aren't included under the Subversion 
tag, but the files are here:


I note that your JAR file has been renamed, so it's possible it has also been 
rebuilt. Look inside it with a ZIP utility and check for the directory named 

A list of the W3C documents bundled with Saxon for 9.5 can also be found here:


and the corresponding list for 9.4 is at:


Michael Kay

On 29 Jan 2014, at 08:28, Eugene Zhukov <jevgeni...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 4:25 PM, Michael Kay <m...@saxonica.com> wrote:
>> Saxon-B 9.1 does not include copies of these resources.
>> You can always write a URIResolver and direct the request to copies held at 
>> application level, but it can't be done "behind the scenes".
>> My recommendation would be to move forward to a later Saxon release that 
>> fixes the problem. The current release is 9.5. We have no plans to issue 
>> further maintenance releases for 9.1, although we do appreciate that some 
>> users have been sticking with that release because of the discontinuities 
>> introduced between 9.1 and 9.2.
> We have Saxon-HE in Debian archive. So I tried the above
> test-case with it:
> $ java -cp 
> /etc/xml/resolver:/usr/share/java/xml-resolver.jar:/usr/share/java/Saxon-HE.jar
> -Dxml.catalog.files=/etc/xml/catalog -Dxml.catalog.verbosity=1
> net.sf.saxon.Transform -s:foo.xml -xsl:foo.xsl
> The result is it still fails without network. With network it works.
> Also, when I look into the source code of Saxon-HE at [0], I
> cannot find the local copies of those resources. So I don't understand
> how it would work without the network. What did I miss?
> [0] https://dev.saxonica.com/repos/archive/opensource/tags/
> Eugene

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