Am 06.07.2010 20:29, schrieb Reinhard Tartler:
this patch looks rather intrusive.
is it really worth the efford? do you plan upstreaming it?

Well, in my eyes this small patch is not really an efford. I just wanted to avoid code duplication by static linking of 4 executables while we have a nice shared lib at hand. I haven't worried about upstreaming it yet, but I expect them to decide for dynamic linking in the long term, anyway...

in any case, the patch lacks documentation.

Yes, formally you are right, although I personally consider patch documentation overrated in cases like this. I mean, by reading the patch file name and having a look at what is changed in these eight lines, you already know what it does. Furthermore the author will be credited via debian/changelog. ;)

But anyway, you are right. If we decide to keep the patch, I will of course add documentation to it.

 - Fabian

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