On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 3:27 AM, IRIE Shinsuke <irieshins...@yahoo.co.jp> wrote:
> debian/copyright doesn't include the copyright information of the
> external libraries such as libmv, Eigen3, and Bullet Physics which
> are included in orig.tar.bz2 file and will be statically linked.
> Also, there are some codes partially imported from external projects.
> For example, functions for detecting a pen tablet device were copied
> from Wine 1.1.13 (See intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_WindowX11.cpp).

I'm quite busy with my work in this period.
So, since this task is easy enough for everyone, patches fixing this issue
are really appreciated.
I'll review them once I'll find a minute for it and eventually I'll
apply them if
they sound good to me.

Thanks for your help


Matteo F. Vescovi
Debian Maintainer
GnuPG KeyID: 83B2CF7A

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