On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 10:02 AM, Cyril Brulebois <k...@debian.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> Felipe Sateler <fsate...@debian.org> (23/07/2012):
>> Dear DSA, could access to arm*[1], powerpc and ia64 be granted to Dan
>> Stowell, to work out the build failures of supercollider? We have
>> iterated a few patches with some success, but in order to stop wasting
>> buildd time it would be better to debug the issues directly.
>> Since Dan is the maintainer that knows upstream code the most, it
>> would be best if it was he who debugged these issues. Would it be
>> possible to give Dan access to the porterboxes and install
>> supercollider dependencies on these?
> I think you want to read up that doc:
>   http://dsa.debian.org/doc/guest-account/

Dear DSA, in the mean time, could you please install the build-deps in
arm*, ia64 and powerpc? We have a patch sitting in the bts for arm*
that I'd like to test it before including. I'd also try to give a shot
at the other archs while we wait for dan.


Felipe Sateler

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