Cyril Brulebois <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (03/11/2008):
> while updating hugin's README.Debian, I've been thinking about doing
> the following. Instead of giving some steps to install hugin and co
> from (along with reasons to do so), I'm very tempted to
> only describe why and what to do, and to point to a page on
>, say hugin-lenny.html, which
> could document how to install the needed backport(s) in extenso, so
> that one can easily update the documentation, even for a package in
> stable.

In the meanwhile, I've updated website.git's master with the following
draft page (but not linked from index.html):

Comments, updates, etc. welcome!

> One could think of lenny.html#lenny instead, so that one can keep all
> packages for a given stable release on a single page.

lenny.html#$package, of course. I went for that solution. The sooner we
decide whether such a page makes sense, as well as naming/anchoring, the
better, so that I can upload hugin with README.Debian's update (and
possibly a fix for #502104, depending on the RT's opinion).


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