Adeodato Simó <> (04/03/2009):
> (pkg-multimedia-maintainers and pkg-phototools-devel Bcc'ed).

The latter Cc'd this time.

> 2. OpenEXR packages
> ===================
>   * openexr
>   * ilmbase
> These two library packages I RFA'ed quite some time ago (#494877 and
> #494878), but the person who expressed initial interest won't have time
> any time soon, and has indicated it's okay to search for somebody else.

Indeed. I also totally forgot about them, which explains why I didn't
adopt them in the meanwhile.

> I have no idea if these would be appropriate for the pkg-phototools
> group, but I guess it's worth a try. I'm also CC'ing the maintainer of
> openexr-tools, Pino Toscano, in case he has particular interest in
> OpenEXR packages.

(Guess what, I belong to that group. :p)

> I'll file RFA bugs in a week if this thread doesn't succeed, and fix
> RC bugs during that period. If they are many, at some point I will
> have to orphan them.

Unless someone beats me to it, I think I should have more time in a few
weeks (beginning of April might be OK), so openexr & ilmbase could be
added to pkg-phototools in the end.


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