Adeodato Simó <> (16/04/2009):
> (Or, rather, I read it initially upon receiving the mail, and
> forgot/missed/skipped it when composing my reply).

No problem. :)

> Anyway: I never pay attention to any other symbols than T ones when
> running my script, since those are the ones the library
> actually exports. The U ones are most certainly not a concern (symbols
> to be loaded from other libraries), and I do think the W/V ones are
> not of concern either, though you may want to consult in -devel.
> Personally I’d upload already, but feel free to be more cautious
> within reason. :-)

OK, since you're telling me you've done so every time, I'll upload now,
and postpone reading more about weak symbols, eventually asking -devel
at that time. :)

Upload should follow shortly.


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