On Wed, Aug 07, 2013 at 03:01:32PM -0300, CruX wrote:
> Package: pulseaudio
> Version: 4.0-6
> Severity: normal
> Dear Maintainer,
> After upgrading to PulseAudio 4 on Jessie I have to select the correct card 
> profile after each reboot.
> Every time it goes back to "Digital Stereo (HDMI) Output", while I select 
> "Analog Stereo Duplex".
> It doesn't matter if I change that option through GNOME's "Sound Settings", 
> through "pavucontrol" 
>or doing "pacmd set-card-profile 0 output:analog-stereo+input:analog-stereo" 
>from the CLI.
> Further investigation seems to point to the priorities each profile gets when 
> my HDMI external monitor is plugged in. See the two files I'm attaching with 
> the output of "pacmd list-cards" when booting with and without it. I'm on a 
> laptop and most of the time I'm using the external LCD monitor which doesn't 
> have speakers or any audio related functionality FWIW.
> I understand the autodetecting and rearranging of profile priorities, but I 
> think the user choice should be preserved across reboots. Please correct me 
> if I'm wrong and this is somehow a feature not a bug.

You can force a setting in pulseaudio by specifying it in the default.pa
file. Just append

set-card-profile 0 output:analog-stereo+input:analog-stereo

to the file

> One other related effect of this is that I get no sound on KDE apps, 
> regardless of the pulse profile change. After editing the Phonon sound 
> preferences through "systemsettings" and choosing the right profile I can 
> test speakers and I get sound, but as soon as I close and reopen the settings 
> they're back to "HDMI output". So for KDE apps I cannot persist the option, 
> even in the same session.Disclaimer: I don't have the full KDE desktop 
> installed, only Amarok dependencies. Should I file this as a bug for another 
> package?

This looks like a bug somewhere in the kde stack. But first lets see if
the above fixes anything.

Felipe Sateler

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