On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 1:26 AM, Peter Ward <peteraw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 29 April 2014 13:26, Felipe Sateler <fsate...@debian.org> wrote:
>> > When running pulseaudio under my normal user (not in system mode), there
>> > is an initial crackling / white noise which plays until
>> > module-suspend-on-idle kicks in and suspends the device.
>> Does this problem happen with pulseaudio 5? If so, I'll need the output of
>> pulseaudio -vvvv --log-time
> Yes, it still happens, and there’s no change in behaviour: by default
> there’s several seconds of crackling, with the timeout=0 workaround, there’s
> just a short click.
> I’ve attached pulse.log (which doesn’t have timeout=0) and pulse2.log (which
> did).

Hmm, nothing on the logs!

>> Also, is the cpu active while the crackling is there? Does the noise
>> reappear when the sink is resumed? Does dmesg say anything that might
>> be related?
> Obviously there’s still some startup activity going on, but it’s not running
> at 100% cpu or anything like that.
> No, once it’s been suspended, the problem goes away (until next time
> pulseaudio is started).
> And no, I can’t see anything related in dmesg (or
> /var/log/{syslog,kern.log,messages}).

OK, what happens if you modify default.pa to add tsched=0 to module-udev-detect?


Felipe Sateler

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