Le 30/12/2017 à 01:11, Samuel Thibault a écrit :
- espeakup and lightdm/gdm could be given audio group access, but then
there are two competing pulseaudio servers, and only the first one seems
to actually manage to emit sound.

Only PulseAudio could emits sound at the same time. A possible solution could be to enable to emit sound from TCP or Unix socket as described here: http://billauer.co.il/blog/2014/01/pa-multiple-users/

What do you think about this solution?
It seems it's not only a accessibility issue because a computer could be used by multiple users and in some situations sighted users encounter this problem also.

In the end, I have no idea how this situation is supposed to work, and
for now I have just made the espeakup d-i script *purge* pulseaudio,
to get things working. Of course I can see various documentations
saying one could use a system-mode daemon, but upstream doesn't want
that. Normally, espeakup could have its own pulseaudio server, playing
well along pulseaudio servers of other users, but I failed to get
something working.

I'm not sure removing PulseAudio is a good idea. As I understand New Firefox releases require PulseAudio to emit sound.

We really need to fix this (and I'm really depressed that it seems
nobody took the time to manage to work out a solution).

I agree with you on this particular point but you couldn't miss the contribution of Paul and Jeremy on accessibility team on packaging that could allow you to focus on more complicated tasks you seems to be aware of.

Best regards.--
Visual-Impairment Project Manager
Hypra - "Humanizing technology"

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