Ryan Niebur dijo [Thu, Aug 06, 2009 at 01:59:08PM -0700]:
> > This would require changing our procedures completely. I don't think
> > it's a good idea to do that now, and I don't see any clear advantage in
> > using git for managing our packages. I'd rather let another (less
> > understaffed) team with similar procedures experiment with git, and then
> > just copy what they did.
> the perl team was looking into this at debconf, not sure if people
> still are or not...but there's lots of interest in git in the perl
> team.

Heh, there is interest - But the task is quite complex. Migrating a
1300-package SVN repository to 1300 Git repositories plus a
macrorepository to hold them all¹ is a hard task, and we agreed we
should first try on a medium-sized team (or get a brave soul to do

¹  and in the darkness bind them?

Gunnar Wolf • gw...@gwolf.org • (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244

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