On 08/01/11 at 00:07 +0100, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> Hi,
> The pkg-ruby-extras group has existed for a long time. It serves an
> important purpose - but it has grown a bit crufty. This means, we have
> several people listed who are not active in the group anymore, and we
> have many packages nobody is taking care of. And that's not good.
> As you might know, I have decided to reduce my involvement in Debian
> Ruby (see http://www.lucas-nussbaum.net/blog/?p=617 for details). I
> don't know yet what I will continue to do, and it might very well be
> "nothing".
> During the last months, I feel that I was the main DD feeling
> responsible for the pkg-ruby-extras team. While leaving, I don't want
> to leave it in a bad state, so I'd like to clean up its state first.
> There are two sides of it, team members and packages.
> 1) Team members
> We currently have 52 team members listed on alioth, which is a lot
> considered the number of active members.
> So, if you want to stay a member of the team (which is fine, I
> encourage you to continue to contribute to the team, and I'm also
> planning to stay a member for now!), please reply to this mail within
> the following two weeks, stating your alioth login. If you don't
> reply, you will be removed from the team.

Alioth login: lucas

I will continue to maintain:
>    feed2imap
>    libfeedparser-ruby
(I'm upstream for those two)

Those ones are useful and should probably find someone that cares about
them (not me):
>    libdb-ruby (U)
>    librestclient-ruby
>    libsetup-ruby (U)
>    ruby-pkg-tools (U)

I already requested removal for those ones:
>    libxmpp4r-ruby
>    mahoro (U)
>    ruby-taglib (U)

I'm not sure about those ones:
>    libgnuplot-ruby
>    libtermios-ruby
>    ncurses-ruby (U)

- Lucas

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