Excerpts from Lucas Nussbaum's message of Mon Jan 17 21:41:15 +0200 2011:

> > > I think so, yes. All the docs refer to it, the new processes need to be
> > > defined, etc, etc. For what benefit? OK, git is faster, and I prefer git
> > > for new projects too.
> > 
> > It's easier to contribute and live in modern ruby world with git.
> > Almost all big ruby project use git. Why should we use svn? :)
> ... except the ruby interpreter. ;)

http://github.com/ruby/ruby :)
I think its easier to track svn repos via git than pull git
repos to svn.

> Don't get me wrong. I like git a lot, and use it preferably to SVN.
> However, I don't think that SVN has any real problem *for our use*.

It slow. Takes a lot of time to update. No local branches, no
local history. Its bad :)

> > I can make work on this. I need some mentoring from more
> > experienced debian developer. What parts of workflow are broken
> > without svn-buildpackage? What should be implemented?
> > 
> > I saw some checks made by svn-inject when I imported my
> > packages. I suppose this checks are first point in TODO.
> So, one of the first TODO is probably to see how one could use git +
> gem2deb to maintain Debian packages, and document the process. For
> example, how would one handle new upstream releases?
> Then, another question is how we would be able to maintain 100s of
> packages with git. Should we do one-repo-per-package?

I think yes. Its easier for developer to track changes and track
upstream if he have full sources.

> How could we make that easier? I think that git has sub-modules.
> Could we leverage that?

> Finally, it would be great to have more participation in the -ruby@
> thread. When everybody is quiet, it's always a bit uncomfortable because
> we can't know if it's because everybody agrees, or nobody cares.

I made small braindump. Consider it as initial point for discussion :)


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