2009/4/19 Andrei Popescu <andreimpope...@gmail.com>:

> I'll try ;)


> dpkg-reconfigure console-setup
> (the new xserver-xorg depends on console-setup)
> and select apropiate keyboard model and layout. You probably also need
> to tell it your correct model as I don't think "pc105" knows about
> special keys (mine is a Thinkpad R61).

Well, I had previously set the keyboard layout from within Xfce; I
tried setting it from console-setup (usingthe same setting I had in
Xfce), but things got worse: now if I select "use system defaults",
next time I reboot, the keyboard works correctly inside gdm, but gets
completely shuffled as soon as I'm in xfce... (e.g. if I hit the dot i
get KP_Enter)
The fact is that the special keys have always worked (i.e. I see them
with xev), it's just that they don't trigger the shortcuts...

> Oh, and you should get rid of .Xmodmap or similar hacks. Try to find a
> correct keyboard model first and only use xmodmap if no keyboard model
> fits yours.

I had already got rid of that...
So, if I understand it right, you problem was that your keyboard
layout was not set?
If so, it's not the same problem...


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