I use Ema Personal Wiki for my needs on Android.  Syncs to dropbox as plain
text files and there is a windows application.  And it's open source.




Works very well for my uses.

On Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 7:01 AM, Will Langford <unf...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Did a tiny bit of work on this.. not a whole lot.
> Not wanting to spend even $2 on a webserver, was looking at free stuff.
> ----
> "Server for PHP" is free, but pmwiki don't work apparently.  Has no ads
> though, which is nice and kinda makes it preferred heh.
> pmwiki.php - Call to undefined function crypt() in pmwiki.php line 480
> I kinda don't understand how that error is even possible heh. Aint crypt()
> a built in?!
> ----
> "Palapa Web Server" is free, and might work.  It has ads on it's status
> screen though, which is irksome.
> Based on lighthttpd.
> Extracting the wiki to it and browsing to it yielded a permissions problem
> on wiki.d ... restarting the server seemed to fix it.  During the restart,
> also added pmwiki.php to it's list of "index" files.  Was able to edit
> Main/Homepage without drama.
> Copied over sample-config.php, renamed it, set the script/pub url's and
> wiki / site name.  Seems okay.  Haven't tried uploads yet.  Haven't done
> any the rewrite rules stuff for clean url's etc.
> -unfy / Will
> On Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 4:45 PM, Edwin Marte <edwin.ma...@leidba.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello William,
>> I haven't tried that but I think the idea is interesting and could be
>> very useful. I did a quick search and found a few options that may o may
>> not work. Pmwiki only needs  a php server as far as I understand so we have 
>> Ultil
>> Server
>> <https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.icecoldapps.ultiserver&hl=en>,
>> Droidphp <http://droidphp.github.io/> and here there is a good tutorial
>> <http://blog.laptopmag.com/android-web-server>.
>> I haven't tested none of them but I surely sometimes during this week
>> will try Ultil Server.
>> I hope this helps and looking forward to see your results
>> On Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 2:48 PM, William Langford <unf...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> 'lo,
>>> First, a LONG preface.  Six months ago I bought an android based
>>> tablet.  It's a nice Yoga 2 from Lenovo.  Not bottle barrel atom processor,
>>> 1080p screen, 20+ hours of battery life, 2 weeks of stand by time (or
>>> something).  The hardware seems to fit my base desires for a tablet just
>>> fine (save maybe the fact that it doesn't have a stylus holder).
>>> The thing is, I still can't find a practical use for the thing.  I have
>>> no desire to use it as a media consumption device (see also: youtube,
>>> netflix, facebook, etc).  I don't really "skype" or whatever a lot either.
>>> I do have an electronics workbench with a nice DSO and stuff... so I've
>>> naturally downloaded some electronics related apps (formulas, resistor
>>> codes, etc).  Also grabbed the thread pitch tool cause... I dunno.  Lastly,
>>> Xodo so that I can draw on (pdf) schematics while assembling boards or
>>> whatever.
>>> Buuuutttt... it's still of limited use.
>>> Found something called "UrForms" which seems to be a slapped together
>>> front end for working with sqlite databases.  Now we're getting slightly
>>> more useful.  I've created some basic "forms" (aka tables?) for listing
>>> some stuff I own, some stuff I want, etc. Sadly, the interface is a bit
>>> lacking.
>>> ----
>>> Getting to the point.
>>> Why the )!(Q*%)(* just not run PmWiki on the thing ?  I really do love /
>>> use pmwiki for a lot of things already.  As a semi-personal database of
>>> sorts it makes sense!
>>> I want it self contained within the tablet without internet connectivity
>>> required.  I've looked at the Standalone and WikiOnAStick cookbook, and
>>> neither really suit my needs.
>>> Has anyone done a PmWiki install running from an Android device ?
>>> Was there a particular web server / setup they liked working with ?
>>> Any warnings / pit falls ?
>>> I don't think I've got root on the tablet, btw.
>>> Any thoughts on accessing from outside the device  (such as
>>> http://tablet:4242/wiki/ ... or somehow having a different webserver
>>> access the files on the tablet somehow) ?  Being able to access the wiki
>>> from a computer would be handy (see also: bigger screen / better keyboard,
>>> etc) ?
>>> In the coming weeks, I'll prolly go about making this happen on my own -
>>> and will either report back here or make a 'cookbook' out of it (even if
>>> just documentation ?).
>>> -Will / unfy
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