You are such a dumb cunt that I actually feel sorry for you.  You and your
retarded opinions are ready for some MirBSD usage.  Haven't you figured out yet
that the reason that no one likes you might be because of you?

It is time for you to move on, really.  Just fuck off, don't return and have a
nice life.  No one cares about whatever DoS you claim to have "discovered".  No
one cares about anything you say because you are a disrespectful asshole.  Even
if you had a point no one would listen.

OpenOffice works fine for me and I am glad it doesn't work for you.  Mmmmm, if
that isn't justice I don't know what is.  Yummm I create 3 spreadsheets today
too!  mmmm-hmmmm!

you opinions are brocken and your taxing on this community is expensiv also,
your opinions are obsulet and anoing.  Do everyone a favor and go use genpoo.

On Thu, Oct 26, 2006 at 11:33:53PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > You are the ignorant asshole, that's clear to everyone.
> I wonde rhow people do think about you then... ;]
> > Why don't you just PLEASE LEAVE and find a project that will listen
> > to you.  NOONE here will ever do anything that you want, because there
> > is a fundamental LACK OF RESPECT for ANYTHING YOU SAY.
> You wouldn`t even accapt the truth if somebody would crash ya skull with a
> hammer..
> So does it matter at the end? Not realy...
> > EVERYTHING you say is just whiney whiney shit, shit, and shit.
> Well wait until 4.0 is relased and you`ll get ya 4-5 Bugs..
> And wasn`t it you who told me that a Kernel Panic is no DoS?
> Stop trolling poor african wipping boy. Or go back and enjoy the
> Ubuntu-Way-of-life. Ok?
> Thanks...
> And as I`ve said EOF I`ve ment it.
> Kind regards,
> Sebastian
> -- 
> Don't buy anything from YeongYang.
> Their Computercases are expensiv, they WTX-powersuplies start burning and
> their support refuse any RMA even there's still some warenty.

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