CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:   2009/05/05 17:28:51

Log message:
    import znc, from Brad.
    ZNC is an advanced IRC bouncer with features that include support for
    multiple users, playback buffers, DCC bouncing, SASL authentication and
    SSL encryption. It can be extended with dynamically loaded modules
    written in C++ or Perl.
    Vendor Tag: sthen
    Release Tags:       brad_20090502
    N ports/net/znc/Makefile
    N ports/net/znc/distinfo
    N ports/net/znc/pkg/DESCR
    N ports/net/znc/pkg/PLIST
    N ports/net/znc/patches/patch-man_Makefile_in
    No conflicts created by this import

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