Hi ports@,

Attached is a new port for libretro-nestopia.  This is essentially
bentley@'s nestopia port with the -main bits removed.  It is based
on an upstream libretro GH_COMMITID, they don't really do releases
unfortunately.  I set the version to 1.51.1 as they just recently
synced with nestopia upstream.

I tested this with the retroarch update just posted:

I have not tested with the existing retroarch-1.7.6.

I have set myself as MAINTAINER on this one.

Tested on amd64, this is just as smooth as the the standalone
nestopia-1.51.1 update just posted.

Passes portcheck ok, passes {port-,}lib-depends-check


Attachment: libretro-nestopia.tar.gz
Description: application/tar-gz

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