On 2023/04/17 07:40, Landry Breuil wrote:
> Some golang stuff do syscalls the right way, some dont, from my
> understanding depending on the version of x/sys it uses..looking at
> https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/blob/v1.85.0/go.mod#L36
> i'm afraid the 1.85.0 version of victoriametrics shipped with 7.3 might
> have an 'old' x/sys dependency, but one would have to try to figure it
> out :)

As far as most archs are concerned, golang.org/x/sys v0.1.0 and up use
libc functions instead of syscall() for its own use, so the biggest
problem for x/sys is with older 'dated' v0.0.0-202xxxxx (iirc this
changed in 202208something for most archs, but not until December for

However x/sys/unix also has tables listing syscall numbers which is
outdated even in git head. Some other modules use these tables with
syscall() and still run into problems (in particular noticed with
modernc.org/sqlite). mmap is the biggest problem - just updating the
numbers in x/sys/unix isn't enough though; the parameters changed too.

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