Christian Weisgerber:

> Because amd64 should suffer from the same problem:
>                 fr->cpu_opts.the_dct36 = dct36_avx;
>         ...
>                 fr->cpu_opts.the_dct36 = dct36_x86_64;
> dct36_avx and dct36_x86_64 are assembly routines that lack the
> endbr64 landing pad.  And yet, on my IBT-enabled amd64 laptop,
> mpg123 plays just fine with both the avx and x86_64 decoders.

I have examined the generated assembly on the calling side.  There
is no "jmp *%r11" or such.  Instead, calling the function pointer
goes through __llvm_retpoline_r11:

0000000000000000 <__llvm_retpoline_r11>:
   0:   e8 0b 00 00 00          callq  10 <__llvm_retpoline_r11+0x10>
   5:   f3 90                   pause  
   7:   0f ae e8                lfence %eax
   a:   e9 f6 ff ff ff          jmpq   5 <__llvm_retpoline_r11+0x5>
   f:   cc                      int3   
  10:   4c 89 1c 24             mov    %r11,(%rsp)
  14:   c3                      retq   
  15:   0f ae e8                lfence %eax

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber                

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