> s/YES/Yes/ and it's OK sthen@
I have done it.

> Pretty sure this needs the usual FLAVOR dance, otherwhise pkgname/path
> mismatch (regardless, the ports directory needs to be named py-*):

>       $ make show='FULLPKGNAME FULLPKGPATH'
>       py3-bdfparser-2.2.0
>       graphics/py-bdfparser

It seems, that I've done it.


> Also, I slightly prefer graphics/ over sysutils/ here.


Attachment: py3-bdfparser.tgz
Description: py3-bdfparser.tgz

I attached the resulted archive file with application/x-tar MIME type.
But if something wrong with the file, here is commit[1] on github.

My holidays is soon to end, but maybe I will also try to port
py-compiledb[2] as it have much less dependencies, than bear[3].
Writing this paragraph in case someone is also interested in gaining
IDE-like capabilities in your text editor of choice by using clangd
language server and generating compilation database from Makefiles.
You can view attempts to port both in my porting-efforts repo.
I'd like to learn C programming on OpenBSD.

Best regards, Artsiom.

[2]: https://github.com/nickdiego/compiledb
[3]: https://github.com/rizsotto/Bear

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