I became a brave and tried installing Cherokee from the most recent
snap package.

pkg_add completed without whining and gave me instructions for modding
the rc* files.

First up I just started the server from a console. No problem - saw the
default page.

Read some docs - saw that they strongly suggested using their admin
tool, so fired it up and that's where my problems started. I could see
that I was connecting to port 9090 but I got a 503 error anyway. The
favicon was there but nothing else.

Running the admin server with debug log to console showed me that it
was missing python2.5. Funny, that's not in the dependencies. pkg_add
fixed that, and I could get around the pages.

On the status page, though, there was no graph. I know the original pkg
install pulled in rrdtool and I guessed that was for such things but my
debug console complained that it couldn't find

So I took a guess and touch'ed it into life and gave it _cherokee:wheel
as owner:group and now it complains that "reading the cookie off" that
file "failed".

I'm out of guesses. The website does not deal with dependencies very
well, although it does mention python.

I think we have some added packaging work to do. Anybody experienced
with Cherokee care to give us a clue?

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This life is not the real thing.
It is not even in Beta.
If it was, then OpenBSD would already have a man page for it.

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