On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 10:42 AM, Auclair Vincent
<auclair.vinc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Tested on an i386 eeepc.
>>> Works fine, some quirks when moving a tab : a square that is not drawn
>>> back until I drop the tab. (it follows the cursor)
>> Hmm, actually tab dragging is totally busted with fvwm2, I just
>> noticed - it always pops it out. So I imagine this is window manager
>> specific, what are you using out of curiosity?
> I am using wmii.
> There are also problems in the browser windows. (see the end of the mail)
> If I drag a window out of the tab bar and drop it immediatly it spawns
> a new window.
> If I turn it arround an play with it enough it make the chrome crash
> when I drop it.
>>> html 5 videos in youtube don't work. (probably expected, I just tested
>>> for the fun)
>> This should be doable though, if someone wanted to play with it/
> I can definitly work on that, since I would like to have html5 videos. :)
>>> Options takes a heck of time to load, that nornal ?
>> No.. it's instantaneous here
> Well it's instant on my desktop machine.
> Will fidle with it a bit.
>>> Browser themes works.
>>> Used gmail and reader.
>>> Thanks for the update :)
> So I was thinking on how to test the browser, I remembered
> http://www.chromeexperiments.com/
> Some of them work, some don't. HTML5 videos obviously.
> But there are some that use canvas that don't work either.
> It may be a good place to stress test the browser.
> The `ping' test doesn't work long here, so window handling doesn't
> work completly.
> The acid 3 test (acid3.acidtests.org/) says it get's 100% altough I do
> get an error/warning.
> It also works on my desktop except for proxy.
> Proxies seems to be broken. I set it in the environement and still
> doesn't use it.
> That normal ?

I have only used --proxy-server=hostname:port to specify proxy. Sounds
like a bug if it's not picking it up the other way..

I'll commit the port as it seems like it is definitely an improvement
to what was there before. Again, the new distfile is 100% stock, and
all the patches are in the port, so it's easy for people to help out
and fix issues, add patches, etc. - just drop me an email. Help would
be great.

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