It was a labor of hate^Wlove but here it is.

* FS#24 show window title in status bar
* add border_width for bar and windows
* fix applications like xemacs that would endlessly redraw themselves
* FS#92 add feature to iconize applications
* fix launch library to not crash with new X
* rewrite most of the focus code in order to fix a bunch of nits that
  were becoming pretty bothersome
* fix bug where the border on full screen apps were off by one
* no longer allow one to next or previous into a parent window
* when moving a transient to another workspace move the parent as well
* sort windowlist in order to simplify the "focus next" code
* remove logic from enternotify by preventing those events from ever
  making it there
* work around transients that lie about their parent window; this fixes
  a ton of little nits that were not obvious
* add FOCUSPREV quirk to force application on exit to focus on the
  application that launched them (e.g. focus on xxxterm that launched
* prevent double red bordering when an app crashed
* fix drag-to-float

On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 08:48:03AM -0500, Marco Peereboom wrote:
> I have been able to spend time on scrotwm after it started to show some
> issues with the latest X.  I rewrote the focus code yet again and it is
> much simpler now that I am tossing a whole bunch of events.  It should
> also be a little faster.
> What prompted this was a contribution from jason@ to add an iconic
> state.  This works by hitting M-w to icon a window and M-S-w to get a
> list of currently iconed windows (using dmenu).
> I am still working out a few kinks but I really could use some test
> results from heavy users.  Don't want to run a snapshot just yet until I
> fix some border coloring issues.
> It also contains the fix from mcbride@ to make windows appear in the
> correct workspace.
> So get the code at:
> and run it like this:
> make obj
> make depend
> make
> sudo make install
> Make sure you have the xenocara directory (sudo mkdir -p /usr/xenocara)
> to ensure the code compiles.  Source isn't needed.

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