On 16/06/2015 9:43 PM, Jérémie Courrèges-Anglas wrote:
Ian Mcwilliam <i.mcwill...@uws.edu.au> writes:

Building out of mystuff directory fails. Building from the ports directory 
works. Go figure...
I didn't try building it outside of /usr/ports/net/samba4; there are
of course several problems with the build system. Including "make
package fails if samba4 is already installed" reported by sthen@

But given the state of this port I think that we'd better work in small
steps and ship this update.

Objections / oks?

To date all of the work I've done on the samba4 port has been out of mystuff directory. Mystified as to why this fails this time.

Please commit,

Ian McWilliam

Ian McWilliam

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