On Mon, Oct 02, 2017 at 02:31:49PM +0200, Landry Breuil wrote:
> Hi,
> of course not targeted for the upcoming 6.2 release, but firefox 57 will
> be quite a big change from 56, so testing is more than welcome.
> https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/57.0beta/releasenotes/
> https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/quantum/
> https://hacks.mozilla.org/2017/09/firefox-quantum-developer-edition-fastest-firefox-ever/

Hi Landry,

I have been using your firefox 57beta packages at work and at home.
all amd64 platforms.  Current 57beta6 at work, perhaps beta5 at home.

Most things seem to work a-okay, video seems better in the 57 series
than it did before, though html5 controls still flicker in fullscreen.
Probably not what you are looking for report-wise anyway :-)

The extensions I do use were already updated anyway.

I can say that $WORKPLACE uses office365, and I have to make heavy use
of the outlook online features/office suite, and with a user agent
spoof extension installed they all work just like in Windows.  No
crashes from those heavy heavy pages (apps?) either.  Skype for
web even works :-)

snapshot-wise at home I am running a snap from a few days ago, and
at work presently oct 3rd.


> etc etc - to note: non-webextensions addons (which are labelled
> 'legacy' in about:addons) will stop working with this version, you've
> been warned. A separate content process should be enabled by default,
> and thanks to semarie@'s help we managed to build and enable the new
> 'stylo' css rendering engine, written in rust.
> So as usual, pull/update/rebuild from
> https://cgit.rhaalovely.net/mozilla-firefox/log/?h=beta
> Or try the packages from https://packages.rhaalovely.net/
> Landry

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