On Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 11:46:16PM -0700, Anthony J. Bentley wrote:
> Hi,
> DeuTex is a WAD file composer. It can do many things with Doom, Freedoom,
> Heretic, Hexen, and Strife WAD files, such as extracting and inserting
> graphics, sounds, levels, and other resources. It can be used for creating
> and modifying IWAD ("Internal WAD") and PWAD ("Patch WAD") files both.
> It is a command-line driven program and as such, is suitable for scripting
> such as from a shell script or Makefile.


This fails for me during make package, it seems the manpage does not end
up in the fake target:

===>  Building package for deutex-5.1.0
Create /usr/ports/packages/amd64/all/deutex-5.1.0.tgz
Creating package deutex-5.1.0
/home/ryan/ports/pobj/deutex-5.1.0/fake-amd64/usr/local/man/man6/deutex.6 does 
not exist
Fatal error: can't continue
 at /usr/libdata/perl5/OpenBSD/PkgCreate.pm line 1520.

I noticed I can't find deutex.6 anywhere in the WRKSRC at all, it seems
it isn't being created properly during the build.

> ok?
> -- 
> Anthony J. Bentley

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