On Thu, 18 Sep 2008 13:05:10 -0800
"James Parra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have generated a exchusers.txt file for postfix, however I am
> curious as to what the format should be to create the db. Currently,
> the file looks like so;
> Mailbox       SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]@%X400:c=US;a= ;p=Example
> Company, I;o=DOMAIN;s=LASTname;g=Username;
> Remote        SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:c=US;a= ;p=Example Company,
> I;o=DOMAIN;s=LASTname;g=Username; Remote
> SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:c=US;a= ;p=Example Company,
> I;o=DOMAIN;s=LASTname;g=Username; <snip>
> When I clean this up and remove the Remote addresses, what should the
> file look like? Should it only contain e-mail addresses or should it
> have the smtp:[EMAIL PROTECTED] format?
> Many thanks in advance,
> ~James

I did this a few years ago. I have a nice vb script that runs at night
and extracts all the users  and dumps it to into the proper format for
Postfix to use. Mail me off list and I can provide you details etc.

Best regards,


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