But in config i have:

postconf |grep "mime_header_checks"
mime_header_checks = $header_checks

W dniu 27.02.2023 o 15:47, Matus UHLAR - fantomas pisze:
On 27.02.23 12:38, natan wrote:
I gat many many e-mails with virus and double exstension like:

I try in header_checks.pcre

^Content-(Type|Disposition):.*(file)?name=.*(\.|=2E)(exe|ade|adp|bas|bat|chm|cmd|cpl|hlp|hta|inf|ins|isp|img|js|jse|mde|msc|msi|msp|mst|pcd|pif|reg|scr|sct|shs|shb|vb|vbe|vbs|wsc|wsf|wsh|mim|b64|bhx|hqx|xxe|uu|uue)"/ REJECT

you must use mime_header_checks


but I recommend antivirus and/or antispam plugin to check these.
They can do much more than just scan mime headers


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