Thanks for the reply Wietse.

This is my scenario:

mail in > postfix policy_check -> content_filter -> deliver

I noticed that when I'm using policy_check the action allows it to be
After changing it I was able to send from policy_check to my footer pipe

Is there a way to do another action like for example, calling a specific
transport after the content filter finishes its job?

For example:

mail in > content_filter -> "action=filter transport:" -> deliver ?

So I can route the message within the right transport after it goes to the
content filter.

I'm not sure it this is the right way to do it.

Thanks once again.

Em seg., 27 de fev. de 2023 às 15:19, Wietse Venema <>

> Wietse Venema:
> > That is evendence that content_filter is not being used.  Are you
> > aware that your "smtpd -o content_filter=blah" will only process
> > messages that arrive via SMTP port 25?
> Rafael Azevedo:
> > Hi Wietse, thanks for the reply.
> >
> > Yes I am. And this message is being sent through port 25.
> Just to be clear, I was talking about **receiving*** the message
> through port 25, not ***sending***.
> > There's one thing I have doubt about: will it process as the after-queue
> > content-filter?
> Title:  Postfix After-Queue Content Filter
>         Wietse

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